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Friends Legal Donates Christmas Presents To 32 Local Children in Difficulty.

This year, like the one before, has been particularly difficult for families, especially at Christmas. Life during the pandemic has caused emotional and financial strain on many people, and Christmastime can magnify these issues significantly. Children can feel like their value is measured by what they have, which makes it hard for them and their parents to enjoy what is supposed to be a warm and hopeful time of year.

That’s why, during the festive season, Friends Legal likes to give back to struggling families. This year, like several before it, we have taken part in the Quarriers toy-drive. Friends Legal has raised funds, and our generous staff have also donated, to purchase Christmas presents for children in need in Scotland.

Friends Legal Donates Christmas presents to children's charities this year

Through Quarriers Family Resource Centre – located in Ruchazie, Glasgow – children write wish lists to Santa. Friends Legal have then gone out and purchased those presents to return to the Quarriers. They then arrange for Santa to deliver the presents on Christmas Eve.  

We’re delighted to have been able to raise £695, which has allowed our team to buy gifts for 32 children. We know that this will make the day special for these children but will also go very far in helping their parents relieve the pressure this time of year can bring. Friends Legal sincerely hope they have a magical Christmas.

Our work local charity Home Start Glasgow South has also helped raise the funds necessary for their Christmas gift-drive. In particular, we supported them through this year’s KiltWalk, where our own Tom Heaphy took part in a walking marathon throughout Glasgow. We were name-dropped, alongside many other Scottish businesses, for our contribution in their recent Facebook post:

How our ethos of helping others translates into our legal work

Friends Legal are committed to making lives easier for families, regardless of the time of year. We are pushing for greater price transparency and affordability in the legal sector, especially when it comes to executory. It’s particularly difficult when families lose a loved one, and having to fret over costs should be the least of their worries.

We’re always on the end of the phone if you have any questions or concerns about the legal protection for your family. If you’re at all unsure about Wills or Power of Attorney in any way, we offer a free consultation with no-obligation. We’ll make sure your questions are answered by our expert team, and you know exactly where you stand – one less thing to worry about.

Call us on 0333 3580 583 today – we’re by your side.

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