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Friends Legal Supports Silk Elephant’s #GiftofaHeart Campaign

Friends Legal has donated £2,000 to help a small charity, Silk Elephant, in reaching the elderly and vulnerable across Scotland. Silk Elephant’s core mission is to make a difference through small and simple acts of kindness to those facing difficulties, such as bereavement, disability or serious illness including mental health and more recently, Coronavirus.

The #GiftofaHeart campaign embodies Silk Elephant’s overall mission of making a positive impact and distributes handmade hearts to individuals and families in difficulty. Demand for the hearts has unfortunately risen during the pandemic, so a distribution network has been set up via hospitals, care homes and funeral directors. Since 5 April, the charity has distributed over 15,000 hearts to those in need especially for te elderly in care or nursing homes.

Something as simple as a handmade heart brings people together emotionally. We have delivered handmade hearts across the UK from the Outer Hebrides to Northern Ireland. The essence of these is to share love and also to enable so many people who have been adversely affected by COVID19 to remain connected through something as simple as a handmade heart. The donation from Friends Legal is a fantastic way of helping us deliver throughout Scotland to the elderly and vulnerable.’’ – Zoe Holland, Silk Elephant

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At this time any small acts of kindness are really needed, and we are delighted to be able to help the charity share love throughout Scotland.” – Tony O Malley, Managing Partner, Friends Legal.

The original article on Silk Elephant’s Website can be found here:

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